
I figured if Google can have a collection of their designer headers, why can’t I? So with much immodesty, I present the Headers of years past. Some of which will no doubt be used again. To see them at full size (and their animation), just click on them.

This was for Halloween, 2011. TCM was highlighting Universal Horrors, so I followed suit.

This is a header featuring the main cast of my favorite anime, SAINT SEIYA. I did this to show I’m NOT just about monster movies.

This was the animated Christmas theme I made. I was fighting with myself for a while about what it would be.
I almost did SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS THE MARTIANS. Maybe next year.

The first header I made for the site. Adapted from the GOJIRA (1984) promo poster.

This is the most animated graphic I’ve EVER designed. I’m very proud of it, though  I’m sure it’s simple by some folks’ standards.

draconic-harryhausen2.gifThis was the slideshow header I made to remember Ray Harryhausen, just after his passing.

draconic-honda.gifAnimated header made to promote TCM’s Ishiro Honda tribute.

draconic-bond13.jpgMy bit to commemorate James Bond’s 50th Anniversary.

draconic-newyear2013.gifNew Year’s countdown header. I actually did this BEFORE I’d heard that Thunderbirds creator
Gerry Anderson had passed away.

draconic-kong33.jpgVery basic header. I decided to go with Kong shortly before Thanksgiving, because Channel 9 WWOR (Secaucus, NJ)
used to air Kong movies all day on Thursday when I was a kid.

draconic-mothra.jpgI did this just after Emi Ito’s (one of the Shobijin, seen here) passing.

draconic-sampo.jpgBecause… SAMPO!

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